Deadly Cinema and Secret Cinema
At the weekend I picked up in a charity ("thrift") shop a short book by world theatre director and experimenter Peter Brook called The Empty Space , first published in 1968, with a Pelican paperback in 1972. There have been several reprints and it's still a thoughtful discussion of the state of theatre. Where he speculates on 'Theatre' I found myself reflecting on 'Cinema.' It's a curious exercise to displace and compare terminologies and discourses. Sometimes it's quite shocking and sobering as a thought experiment. What did the theatre mean to him in 1968, and what does it mean to us in 2011? How have our ideas about the value(s) and function of cinema evolved alongside, or in opposition to 'theatre' ? If you're curious, his four chapters are titled The Deadly Theatre The Holy Theatre The Rough Theatre The Immediate Theatre I also found myself dreaming about a Secret Cinema . Perhaps a lost chapter of the Brook...