17th International Symposium on Electronic Art

Having taken a look at the programme I am recommending this event:

The 17th International Symposium on Electronic Art

Istanbul, Turkey, 14-21 September 2011


NEURALinterface: Mind Music with your Brainwaves
Supporting a Network of Excellence in Interactive Art
(DPS) Demand Player Sovereignty
Musical Live Coding
D.I.Y. Hypnosis and Hallucination Machines Workshop
Augmented Istanbul
Hypotheses: An Art/ Science Fair
Leonardo Education Art Forum
Building a Breathalyser
Tactile Noise Machines
Mirror Garden 3: Twist, Turns and the Myth of Flying
Build your own USB-MIDI-Interface
Doris and Barry Meets The GUT Force
Conservation of Experiences
Mapping and Reshaping
Emotional Snapshots
The OWL Circle
Weird/Wonderful Street Fair
Mapping as Walking as Learning to See in the Digital Age
“Untitled” (Mechanics of Place)
Community Science: Istanbul 41.04/28.97
Huggable Nature
ISType: Gestural Roots
ISType: The Calligraphic Line
ISType: Lettering in the Streets of Italy
ISType: Type Design with FontLab®
ISType: Publications: A Designers’ Update
ISType: Typography in Design Curricula
ISType: Text Invader
Foaming Ecological Urbanism
Biosensing and Networked Performance
When Crafting Leads to Hacking
Exile Writing
The Art Collider (TAC)
Systemic Feedback
Walkingtools Concepts
Crossing Over
Laptop Orchestra
Brain Drain/Brain Gain
Mobile Tagging as Tools for Augmented Reality
Declaration of Sentiments
Born to be a Still Life
Manual for Image - Object
Reversing Globalisation


Zones of Contact and Fields of Consistency in Electronic Literature
Beyond Locative: Media Arts after the Spatial Turn
The Ubiquitous Screen
Through the Roadblocks: Technology and Orality
Think BETA: Participative Evolution of Smart Cities
The Matter with Media
Share Workers - Open Discussion
La Plissure du Texte
On the Persistence of Hardware
Games Betwixt and Between
Playing for keeps
Code: Intellectual Property, Fair Use and Plagiarism - Open Discussion
Virtual Doppelgangers
The Big Bang of Electronic Art
Intimate TV
From New Media to Old Utopias: ‘Red’ Art in Late Capitalism?
(he)artbreaking to the core
Motion Capture and Dance
Sniff, Scrape, Crawl - Part 1
Sniff, Scrape, Crawl - Part 2
Patchwork Panel
Data Disinformation
Is Anybody In There? An Interdisciplinary Discussion of Augmented Communication Through Objects
@China, Virtually Speaking
Creativity as a Social Ontology
New Media Archives- New Intelligent Ambiances
Arabesque, Mandala, Algorithm: A Long History of Generative Art
Site Specifics: Mobile Media Art and the Contexts of Place
Borders and Interfaces
The Media Space: Evolving Media Architecture and Its Legend
Slowness: Responding to Acceleration through Electronic Arts
Public Art of the Sustainable City
Transmedia Narrative
The Volatility and Stability of WorldMaking as Techné
Variable reality - inter-formalities in digital/analogue arts
Compumorphic Art - the computer as muse
Surveillant Spaces
Testing New Ground
Re-rooting Digital Culture- Media Art Ecologies
Interface Play: Media Environments for Ludic Cyborgs
BioARTCAMP: Laboratory Ecologies in the Wild West
Queer Viralities
The Madness of Methods: Emerging Arts Research Practices
Emotion Studies in a Contemporary Art Debate
Pervasive Media: Practice, Value, Culture
Travels Through Hyper-Liminality
Without Sin: Taboo and Freedom within Digital Media
Hybrid Spatial Experiences
The Art of Software Cities
Interart / Intersensorium
The Institute of Unnecessary Research
Signs of Life: Human-Robot Intersubjectivities
Chasing Ghosts
If You See Something...
VIDA: New Discourses, Tropes and Modes in Art and Artificial Life Research
Voicing Electronic Arts
Unsitely Aesthetics
Crisis Narrative of Landscape
Tyrannies of Participation
Hybrid Cultures
Test_Lab: Summer Sessions 2011


Avatars and Virtual Spaces
Critical Approaches to Mainstream and Consumption I
Perfection, Error, Sublime
Interactivity and Art I
Sonifying Data, Visualizing Sound
Cinema after the Digital
Architecture and the Experience of Digital Spatiality
Data Visualization: Practice and Aesthetics
Art and Activism in Digital Age I
Collaborations across Borders: Physical and Disciplinary
Social Media and Digital Identities
Mobile Media and Wireless Networks
Interdisciplinary Teaching and New Media Arts
Augmented Reality in Practice: from Motion Tracking to Live Memory Machines
Changing Vocabularies of Digital Art
Visible and Invisible Actors of Interactive Audiovisual Performance
Robotics I
Media Histories: Japan
Body and the Digital Space
Critical Perspectives on Economies of Art Today
Philosophy and Ethics of Bioart
From Typography to Design Interface
Art, Materiality, Space and Time
Media Control Interfaces
Content, Data, and Media
Interactivity, Space, and Public Space
Live Coding and Locative Sound Projects
Media Histories: Europe
Computer Graphics and Remediation
Robotics II
The Art of Biomedical Imaging
Critical Approaches to Mainstream and Consumption II
Wearable Technologies
Locative Media and Social Data
Theory and Criticism of Interactivity in Electronic Art
Nature, Human, Machine
Digital Reality and the Perception of Self I
Digital Media, Space, and Architecture
The Experience of Film and Documentary
Open Source and Intellectual Property Rights
Media and Contemporary Practices of Sound Art I
Collaborating as Social Work
Technology and Cognition
Bacteria to Elephants: Practices of Bioart
Computer Art and Curatorial Issues
Discipline-specific Case Studies in Teaching New Media
Networked Collaborations
Interactivity and Art II
Immersive Environments
Digital Performance
Mapping and the Subject as Body
Notes on the History and Politics of Gameplay
Photography and the Virtual
Media and Contemporary Practices of Sound Art II
Collaborating through Interactive Media
Digital Reality and the Perception of Self II
Virtual Reality, Virtual Materiality, Virtual Instrumentality
Data Visualisation and Media Content
Art and Activism in Digital Age II
Urban Ecologies
Curating and Archiving New Media Art
Biosynthetics and Body - Machine Relationships
Game and Movement
Art - Science Relations
Mobile Interfaces
Computing and Aesthetics
City, Public Space, and Mobile Technologies
Perspectives on Colonialism and Art
Mapping and the User Experience
Exploring and Experimenting with Sound
Bodies as Bio-Interfaces
The Uses of Digital Database
From Still to Moving Image
Digitization of Biological Data
Code and Generative Art
Digital Dance
Locative Media and Interaction
Theories of Social Media
Art, Code and Computation
Sound and Interaction
Museums, Archiving, and Interactivity
Photography and New Media
Changing Perspectives on Digital Media in Global Age
Media, Crafting, Fashion
Technology, Public and Spaces in the City
Theatre and New Media
Mapping the City and Urban Identity
Spaces, Bodies, Emergence, and Data in Interactive Art
Political Discourse on the New Media
Media, Languages, New Vocabularies
Tactile, Participatory, Interactive Video
Creative Industries
Adopting Traditional Concepts of Beauty with the Digital
Augmented Spaces


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