Postcolonial Media Culture in Britain

New Book
Postcolonial Media Culture in Britain 
£19.99 Palgrave Macmillan 2010

Edited by ROSALIND BRUNT (Visiting Research Fellow in media studies at Sheffield Hallam University, UK); RINELLA CERE (Lecturer in media and communication studies at Sheffield Hallam University, UK).

"This fascinating text introduces readers to postcolonial theory using the context of British media culture in ethnic minority communities to explain key ideas and debates. Each chapter considers a specific media output and uses a wealth of examples to offer an absorbing insight into postcolonial media for all students of cultural and media studies."

Postcolonial and media studies: a cognitive mapping; R.Cere

The Politics of Hip Hop and Cultural Resistance: a British-Asian Perspective; A.Saeed
Alien Nation: Contemporary Black Art and Britain; L.Wainwright
Mainstreaming Cultural Diversity: Public Service Policy and British Reality Television; S.Malik
Voicing the Community: Participation and Change in Black and Minority Ethnic Local UK Radio; C.Mitchell
From Mosque to YouTube: UK Muslims Go Online; G.Bunt
'What a Burkha!': Reflections on the UK Media Coverage of the Sharia Law Controversy; R.Brunt
Engaging Theory; Making Films: Radical Black Cinema in Britain; C.Shin
You've Been Framed: Stereotyping and Performativity in Yasmin; P.Morey
Discourses of Separation: News and Documentary Representations of Muslims in Britain; M.Macdonald
Debating Contemporary Postcolonial Theory: the Limitations of a Culturalist Approach; C.Pawling


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