30 Ways to Put the Community Into Film ...
A Checklist of 30 Questions to support the community film-making process - from first ideas to mass distribution. 1. Is your film defined by the collective engagement of all participants? 2. Is it a group narrative with multiple visions and voices? 3. Are there elements which are collaborative and improvisatory ? 4. Are its questions and answers unpredictable and undetermined at the outset? 5. Is there a dialogue between creativity and critical analysis (making and reflecting)? 6. Is there a process or product that contributes to social change , empowerment and social justice? 7. Does you film build the social capital of the community? 8. Is there an opportunity for reflection and dialogue with other communities ? 9. Have you fully employed the skills of community agents and artists in a supportive and empowering environment? 10. Are you prepared to take risks? 11. Does your film challenge traditions or expectations within and outside the community? 1...