
Showing posts from January, 2010

30 Ways to Put the Community Into Film ...

A Checklist of 30 Questions to support the community film-making process - from first ideas to mass distribution. 1. Is your film defined by the collective engagement of all participants? 2. Is it a group narrative with multiple visions and voices? 3. Are there elements which are collaborative and improvisatory ? 4. Are its questions and answers unpredictable and undetermined at the outset? 5. Is there a dialogue between creativity and critical analysis (making and reflecting)? 6. Is there a process or product that contributes to social change , empowerment and social justice? 7. Does you film build the social capital of the community? 8. Is there an opportunity for reflection and dialogue with other communities ? 9. Have you fully employed the skills of community agents and artists in a supportive and empowering environment? 10. Are you prepared to take risks? 11. Does your film challenge traditions or expectations within and outside the community? 1...

7 Steps to Transform your Community Newsletter from junk to jewel

1. Questions Is it time to dump the traditional newsletter? Is your newsletter your jewel in the crown, or just junk mail, destined for the waste bin? Many voluntary and community groups are becoming addicted to e-communications. It’s quick, cheap and efficient. In a few clicks your message has reached millions! And the pressure is on to Modernise. The new social media scene from Twitter to Facebook offers bewildering, enticing, and self-indulgent opportunities. 2. Purpose I’d like to step back from the fast-track path to new technology and suggest that we ask some questions about what your organization is trying to achieve in and through its newsletter. Are you trying to reach out to the general public, to raise awareness, or to raise funds? Is your focus more on volunteers, or on users of your service? Are you directing your message at existing or new services users? Is your primary aim to recruit more volunteers or to inform the ones you have already? Is your ...

What is Community Film ?

"Community film" is a variety of practices and approaches that interrogate the dominant use of "film" and "cinema" in association with a global, big budget "industry".   "Community film" draws on the democratic and participatory potential of new technology which has decreased the cost of entry for new film makers, new distributors, and wider, more interactive audiences. Taking the argument further, the traditional power triangle of film maker-distributor-spectator can also be challenged and opened up. As a global movement "community film" preserves the integrity and identity of the local community (and importantly, dialogues between local groups) against the homogenization of the the dominant transnational industries that seek to erase distinctive voices in order to create their commodities and oppressive brands.  "Community film" challenges the notion of "film" as a 90 minute, big bud...